Jatan Sansthan

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Family Counselling Centre

This is a self funded initiative of Jatan Sansthan- which was started in the year 2006 and continues today. The centre is managed by two counselors – who work on a voluntary basis. On an average 20 to 30 cases are reported each year. The cases manage by the team are eve teasing, domestic disputes, alcoholism, dowry issues, rape, marital discord, domestic violence, property disputes, cases where women deserted by their partners, cases when women are thrown out of their homes and other.

While families come to the centre directly, we also have insytances where cases are reffered to us by the local police station. Our team helps to register FIRs, often are mediators and thisis way havejelped scores of women and their families to seek redressal. We also keep track of the client’s progress up to one year through repeated follow ups.

Managing a case