Jatan Sansthan

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Strengthening Panchayati Raj

Supported by Azim Premji Foundation, the vision of the current project is to have a People’s Panchayat with due responsibility and responsiveness. The aim is to strengthen Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as institutions of local self-governance and not as mere implementers of centrally determined development programs.

The specific objectives are to :

Promote active participation in decision making by community (especially women, youth and weaker sections) with a view to enhance their role, status and leadership in local self governance

Strengthen PRIs’ roles, systems of governance Assert PRIs’ increased access to and control over local natural and human resources as well as other development resources being available with the state and national governments.

Strengthen GP with increased visibility, accountability, transparency and inter linkages

The geographic scope of the project will extend to 14 GPs of Railmagra Block to cover the multiple stakeholders – PRI members and PR department, school teachers, line officers, village level workers, standing committees, village institutions, Aanganwadi (pre-school) workers, multi-purpose health workers, forest guards, youth groups women groups and community members.